EAVDI (European Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging): is a non-profit association encompassing all aspects of diagnostic imaging, including radiography, ultrasonography, CT, MRI and nuclear medicine.
We have the aim of sharing knowledge and expertise as well as providing social and networking opportunities. We also have a British and Irish Division, EAVDI-BID.
Membership is open to members of the veterinary and medical professions as well as other workers who are interested in these subjects, includes most of the specialists in veterinary diagnostic imaging in Europe.
Member only Content
Enjoy access to the private areas of the EAVDI web site: access all EVDI meeting abstracts, communicate with any other members across Europe and the rest of the World and participate/create forums/discussions, be part of the mailing list to get the latest news, job postings etc.
Meeting discounts
Registration discount for the EVDI Annual meeting, EAVDI British&Irish Division BSAVA Satellite and Autumn meetings, see events for more information
Journal discount
Discounted Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound journal subscription which saves you 25% off the regular price.
Antonella Puggioni, President
Mauro Pivetta, Secretary
Helen Dirrig, Treasurer
Yvonne Espada, Past President
Manuel Pinilla, Media Liaison